The History of Café Con Clase
Since 2011, Café Con Clase began giving workshops for coffee lovers to learn more about the coffee industry and prepare a better cup from their home to their business. In 2019 the COVID 19 pandemic began, where we continued to serve our clients, but in a more reduced way and taking the necessary measures. During our process, we met many clients who asked us to buy equipment or accessories for the preparation of coffee and implement what they learned in our workshops. This led us to listen and consider what today is www.café, where we will bring you many interesting products dedicated to true coffee lovers. We will continually keep adding new things so you will have good alternatives to choose. For travelers we want to have the best alternatives so you will not suffer on your trips and now you can carry a delicious coffee and the way to prepare it inside your suitcase. If you buy an Espresso machine, we will include a workshop on how you can use it correctly, maximize its use and extend its useful life, adding value to your purchase. For us, service is the most important thing, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have when purchasing any of our products. Always grateful to all the clients we have served in the past and to those who will give us the new opportunity to serve you.
Café Con Clase